Dehumidifiers regulate humidity by removing excess moisture from the air, thereby creating living conditions that are inhospitable to dust mites, mold, and other allergenic organisms. What is the mechanism that allows it to take moisture that’s in gas from the air, and remove it liquid water. While there are two primary methods or styles that allow dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. We’re focusing on the most popular style - refrigerant based dehumidifiers.
The mechanics behind a refrigerant-style dehumidifier are actually quite simple. Notice how moisture forms on the outside of your cold glass of water on a hot day? That's condensation, and once you know that, understanding how a dehumidifier works becomes a lot easier. Room dehumidifiers, work much like air conditioners; warmer, moist air enters the dehumidifier and then crosses refrigerant cooled coils, causing the moisture in the air to condense on coils within the machine.
Much like your glass of ice water, the coils are colder than the air immediately around them. As air cools, it's ability to hold and retain moisture drops, and when the air has more moisture than it can hold, it forms that familiar condensate. The condensate then collects in a drip pan or bucket for disposal while the now cooled air passes back over the dehumidifiers warm motor to that it is slightly reheated before being discharged back into the room. By being slightly warmed, the air exiting the dehumidifier is dry and warm - which means it will attract moisture like a magnet and maximize the dehumidifier's efficiency.
Improve/regulate product quality
By maintaining the right temperature and humidity during the production process, you can prevent product stagnation and/or loss and considerably improve the quality of your product, for instance by preventing fusing/sticking of hygroscopic substances and products.
Prevent condensation
Open products should be shielded from condensation. Condensation can also damage equipment. The risk of condensation is especially high in cooled spaces or in spaces with a high humidity level (as a result of production processes). An industrial dehumidifier can solve these problems.
Prevent fungal and bacterial growth
Air drying is the best way to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria in places that are warm, have a high humidity level and are badly ventilated.
Prevent corrosion
Corrosion often causes health risks (such as support structures collapsing), as well as high costs. Worldwide, about 5 ton of steel is lost to corrosion every second. Industrial air dryers can prevent the corrosion of metals in vulnerable spots, such as bridges and turbines, and improve the durability of materials.